KARACHI: Jamaat-e-Islami chief Naeemur Rehman has blamed the federal as well as the provincial governments for ignoring Karachi and its issues on Saturday.
Addressing a traditional “Mango Party” organized in honor of journalists at the JI Karachi headquarters, Idara Noor-e-Haq, Hafiz Naeem said that the city needs a comprehensive package of at least Rs 500 billion. Only a Green Line project would not resolve the issues of transport in the megalopolis. The city needs a mass transit project and in this regard the circular railway project is a must.
Unfortunately, the so called contractors and representatives of the city also fail to own the city. “The city has been neglected since long, however the time has come to bring a change”.
He welcomed the Supreme Court’s decision to disqualify Nawaz Sharif and added that it was a good omen that the democratic process survives despite the jolt. He believed in across the board accountability and demanded that all those nominated in the Panama Papers should be brought to full justice. “Accountability should be above all. All those who were bankrupt who got their loans waved off and who were let go scot free through NRO should be held accountable”. “Even the JI’s chief Sirajul Haq has presented his party and himself for accountability”. “JI does not only own the city but also presents itself to become a trail blazer in the society”.
Published in Daily Times, August 6th 2017.