Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has regretted the opposition is playing with national interests in the garb of politics aiming at protecting the personal interests.
In a statement on Wednesday, he stated that elements trying to spread anarchy through their negative politics do not want national development. They are committing enmity with the people and the opposition wants to make the country hostage of poverty and darkness. He reiterated the opposition has no concern with public issues and the future of those creating hue and cry is dark like their present. He announced that every conspiracy against the development journey will be foiled with public support. Past rulers set new corruption records and a new scandal was revealed each day during the previous tenure, he added.
Usman Buzdar asserted the incumbent government is most transparent in the history of the country and credit goes to the PTI government that not a single corruption scandal has surfaced during the last two years. The country has been moved towards development and new records of public service have been set. The country is on its way to development and prosperity under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan, concluded the CM.
Chief Minister Buzdar presided over a meeting at his office to review steps for the promotion of the livestock and dairy development sector.
Provincial ministers Sardar Husnain Bahadur Dreshak, Hussain Jahania Gardezi, Chief Secretary SMBR, Secretary Local Government, Chairman P&D, administrative secretaries, and experts attended the meeting and presented their proposals to promote the livestock and dairy development sector on modern lines.
Addressing the meeting, the CM directed to constitute a special committee to present a roadmap in ten days to promote and develop the livestock and dairy development sector according to the modern needs.
The livestock and dairy development sector of Punjab has a lot of potentials to make the farmers economically self-reliant. However, there is a need to give due attention to research and development because the livestock sector acts as an engine of growth. Similarly, the latest techniques will have to be adopted to produce more milk and meat and the government will fully guide the livestock farmers about the latest concepts to further grow this sector, concluded the CM.
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has said that two corona patients have died in Punjab during the last 24 hours while 115 new cases have also been reported. The number of active corona patients is 1814 in Punjab while 96089 have been recovered. 10066 have been tested during the last 24 hours while a total of 2245 have so far died due to corona in Punjab. It is sanguine that the situation is under control in Punjab but there is a possibility of increasing corona cases if SOPs are ignored and the use of facemasks is imperative at public places, concluded the CM.
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar stated that the earthquake that shook Pakistan on October 8, 2005, was the most disastrous. In his message issued on the national day of safety from natural calamities, the CM stated the devastation and destruction caused by this earthquake is still unforgettable and the nation stands with the affectees. It is sanguine the Pakistani nation vigorously worked hard to help and assist the affectees and proved that it is united at every difficult moment. The nation set many glowing examples of sacrifice, help, and assistance, he added.
The CM said the Punjab Disaster Management Authority and Rescue 1122 are being modernized and equipped with the latest technology to meet the emerging challenges. Meanwhile, public awareness is important for dealing with any untoward situation, he said. Meanwhile, trained human resource plays an important role as an effective response mechanism is essential for disaster management. Precautionary measures can reduce damages and the purpose of celebrating this day is to educate the people about rescue and relief procedures and adoption of necessary precautionary measures; concluded the CM.