The AJK President, Sardar Masood Khan addressed a series of international webinars hosted by Pakistani diplomatic missions abroad on the grave humanitarian crisis unfolding in Illegally Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIoJK).
Speaking as a keynote speaker at the webinar organized by the Embassy of Pakistan, Washington D.C, the President told the participants of the webinar that in the past two years, nearly 4 million Hindus from India have been illegally settled in the occupied territory. Kashmiris’ land and livelihoods are being robbed and grabbed by the occupiers and young men are being gunned down every day.
He said thousands of young prisoners are being tortured in concentration camps. The leadership of the freedom movement is behind bars. He said that the people of America owe their existence to a heroic War of Independence. Their founding fathers had highlighted in their Declaration of Independence that “… all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.
He said in the 18th century, the American people secured the blessings of liberty; today Kashmiris are seeking liberty. That’s not a crime. He appealed to the American people to step forward to save Kashmiris from the scourge of war and genocide, from creeping colonization, and from impending annihilation.
Addressing a virtual event hosted by Pakistan High Commission Pretoria South Arica, AJK President said people of South Africa who struggled for decades to break the heavy shackles of apartheid, the most abominable form of racial discrimination can know better the pain of the Kashmiris.